Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dystopian Societies

  • Brave New World was written in 1931 prior to the war and the spread of Communism.
  • 1984 was written in 1947 post-war after the world had seen what the Nazi leaders could do.
  • The Handmaid's Tale was written in 1986 after the "sexual revolution" and during the rise of ultra conservative world leaders.
What effect, if any, do you think this had on the author's choice of the kind of dystopian society that would exist in the setting of the novel?


Anonymous said...

Brave New World- I guess the author was free to make up all kinds of crazy ideas and wasn't tainted by the real way communism works since it was written prior to the spread of communism. He was probably scared of the spread of communism and this is seen in the book by the outrageous ideas of growing and breeding babies.

Anonymous said...

The Nazi Regime obviously had an impact on Orwell as his Dystopian society consists of a Big Brother government with secret police spying on its citizens. The general population has very little rights, which was similar during the Nazi rule for the non-Aryans (Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped, elderly etc). I think Orwells novel is monumental and was influenced by the Nazi party; they truly showed the limits of a government seeking power and absolute control.

Anonymous said...

In think Orwell had seen how a Germany created a government that made the citizens of that government believe that the government was really looking out for the best interest when they took away all of their freedoms. A lot of the same situations that are happening in 1984 happened in Germany. The way people would just disapear, and they way a books, movies and people were monitored. Everything was monitored then, just like it is in 1984. So I think that since Orwell saw all of this happen during the war he created his book after it.