So many of you are wondering... What has happened to our blog? Why are we not blogging?
Well, if it was just because you wanted the points, this may not be a conselation. I want to take the blog and grow its potential. So far you have been diligently commenting and responding to my ideas and thoughts. I usually tried to link it to the class topics. I really loved some of your requests and suggestions regarding the blog. Here are a few that I plan to use to make it better:
I think a neat added dimension might include actually discussing some of the posts and responses in class.
We have to involve every topic we discuss on the blog in the classroom discussion; the blog allows for students to form a defendable position, so that we can have a reasonable and productive discussion in the class.
However, the people who blog first often have their blogs copied in different words.
I think a new dimension we need to add is maybe where students can post topics.
One thing I would like to see is some students being able to contribute posts to the blog.
We will definitely be discussing the blog posts, and I will try to do a better job of integrating your responses and thoughts into my lessons.
I will make sure that duplicate responses do not get points. As a matter of fact, responses that have not at least been proofread before you publish them, may not be put on the blog. Please self-check spelling and major errors.
Finally, the big change... I am going to be allowing student posting. For a few weeks I will ask particular people to help me with the posting responsibilities, and then I will open it up to whole classes. This is going to be an exciting endeavor.
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