Someone made a comment today that made me think. She said, loosely paraphrased, "Why do we have to use all of this technology?" My defense was that I wanted to introduce you guys to technology that I thought you would eventually use in college or in the workplace.
So, what do you think? Is it overload? Of the tools we have used- blog, wiki, discussion board (moodle), turnitin.com, video editing, online quizzes, online storage, electronic peer editing, pocket pc, laptops,.... whew it is a lot- what do you honestly believe will be helpful in the future? What do you think is a waste? Don't just try to be funny- be honest so I can assess what we might pursue next year.
I am not much of a technology person but since you have introduced me to these many new things i believe next year I will use them to do my work. However, I do not like this blogspot because i continually forget about it, and i don’t see myself using it in the future. Also I do not like the pocket pc because it is just another thing that i have to keep up with, and i don’t think i have used it more than a couple of times.
I HATE EVERY PIECE OF NEW TECHNOLOGY STUFF THAT WE DO IN THIS CLASS! it doesn't make anything easier and it just makes a lot more trouble for me! I really can't stand the blog spot because i keep on forgeting to write in it...WHY CANT WE GO BACK TO THE 10 SPOT!!!!!....and the pocket pc's....just dont get me started with that!!
I enjoy using technology, but I hate the pocket pc. At first I thought that it would be so cool and helpful to use, but I've lately realized that it is basically, a waste of space. Its access to the internet is sometimes difficult to decode or even get working in the first place, and setting up the keyboard is impossible to master. I understand that it may be useful to some people, but to me it is too high tech and useless.
I'm just trying to get used to using all this technology now so it won't be such a big surprise to me in college and thereafter. Sometimes it is convenient (online storage), but other times I like the old school paper copy in my hand (electronic peer editing). To answer the question, if we only use the practical stuff then it won't be an overload. Pocket PC's aren't practical for most high school students.
I am not a technology person, so everything we have done with technology has been challenging for me. I would rather not use technology, but I do think it might be helpful at college. I agree with Ashton, it should definatly have its limits!
I personally like using all of this technology. It makes things a lot easier and it keeps me more organized. I also love learning how to you use new types of technology.
I agree with Ashton. I think it's awesome that you are taking advantage of available technological resources but there are some instances, like in peer reviewing where it is either to go the old fashioned way, though I appreciate the blogging.
I think MOST of the technology in here has been worthwhile, except for the E-notecards. I got sick of doing them after the first three, so I decided to quit.(Thank you by the way for still giving me 15 points :-). Anyways, the quizzes that we took online weren't that hard, and I love blogging because it gives people a chance to earn easy points.
I hate technology, and I am horrible at it. But I am glad you have made us do all this technology because there is a good chance that I may have to deal with it in the future. So I guess it has not been an overload because it is important thing for us to have to learn.
I think that we have used technology a lot. Some of the projects etc. may be a bit overboard, but other than that tI have enjoyed using the technology.
I really have a hard time with technology and sometimes I get really frustrated with it. I don't like blogspot because like Adam I forget to do it. With our journals at school we did them every day and it was much easier. Also, as you know Mrs. Caldwell I had a lot of trouble with the movie trailer earlier this year. And I didn't really see how I needed to know how to do that for english.
I really dont know how I feel about technology. I do believe its a good thing but at the same time it seperates us from the world around us. I have had a bit of a technology overload. Even reading all the programs and stuff weve used or supposed to have used makes me dizzy. The pocket pc comes in handy at times when I just need a quick computer or something, but not so good for really doing anything important.
I am so stupid when it comes to technology so I'm not going to lie and say they all this new techy stuff has been easy for me. My biggest issue has been with the research paper and the electronic stuff. I was glad that we were able to print out the E note cards but to be honest I didnt really use them. I think I have just gotten used to the old way that we did our Research Papers. But many people have told me that I need to learn to adapt because in college so much is done on the computer.
The definition of technology - a scientific method of achieving a practical purpose or more commonly known as advancements in our daily life used to be making the job more efficient. Technology advances everyday so why not allocate all of our resources available to us? If we act ignorant and choose not to learn how to use the internet for instance we will just be left behind when the younger generations after us pursue careers.
i do not think that there is an overload of technology. i like technology and think it is easy to use. the only thing i dont like is trying to remember to blog. - BakerB3
No, I dont really see it as overload. I think it will help us in the long run-if not to better understand technology, then to be more accustomed and used to it not always coming through for us. We depend on it so much, and will continue to in college-so I think experiencing as much as possible is a good thing.
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